
Tuesday 9 July 2019

Local Burnt Orchids.

Just before Matt went off to Papua New Guinea we both went for a stroll to check out our local Burnt Orchids. 

We do have both the early and late forms nearby, although of course at different sites, but we both prefer the slightly more robust late form. There were once again good numbers of them this year with counts of over 80 during the flowering season.

After seeing a few Matt spotted a flower with a much pinker colour than the usual dark colour. We have both seen thousands of Burnt Orchids over the years and neither of us have seen any other colour than the usual dark 'burnt' colour.

A normal coloured Burnt Orchid.

Three Burnt Orchids together.

The Pink Burnt Orchid as Matt found it.

The Pink Burnt Orchid a few days later.

It really was quite an exciting find, although my friend and Orchid expert David Lang did think it was within the boundaries of being 'normal'.

Over the time it was in flower I did take quite a few images of this beautiful plant, and many other observers thought it was certainly special.

Once again Bee Orchids did quite well in the vicinity, as did Fragrant and Pyramidal Orchids.

Bee Orchid.

A particularly fine Pyramidal spike.

On the walk with Matt I spotted a hairy caterpillar on the ground which turned out to be a Small Eggar larva. With 3 larval webs found this year in the area it was good to see one well away from those with the larva presumably looking for somewhere to pupate. As this species pupates for 2-3 years it needs to choose wisely!!

Small Eggar larva.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing so Beautiful.
    It's a real show of colours and perspective. Thanks for sharing.
