
Friday 12 January 2024

Local Waxwings

 Just before Christmas the masses of Waxwing that have appeared this winter in the north started to head south into Sussex. 

I eventually had 3 visits to see them, with hopefully more sightings still to come before they depart. Unfortunately for me, all but one of my visits were in very poor light, as the dull and dreary weather continued for many days.

With quite a large flock of 20 plus birds showing for many days at Hailsham, just around the corner from my son's house, that is where I went. The first visit I met David there and the birds were seen very quickly, however, it was very difficult getting any decent images in the light, and as they were generally staying quite high up in the trees, that also caused issues.


A few days later, I took Lisa to see them, as it would be a new bird species for her. We also met David there. Once again the birds were in the same area, but the same problems occurred with the light.

Waxwing. This bird landed just above Lisa's head.

Finally, another visit on a sunnier day, but the birds were not in the usual spot. We decided to walk along the trail where we had heard they had been spotted on and off the day before. Here we found them coming down to feed in the sunshine. We still struggled getting any really good shots, but it was a delight seeing these beautiful birds in good light.

Waxwing with a dirty crest.

Waxwing. (Showing the red 'wax' marks on the wing).

1 comment:

  1. Ooh ..I'd be delighted to see a waxwing . Fabulous bird !
