
Friday 25 March 2022

Seven Species Day.

 On Wednesday I had my first 7 species of butterflies in one day of the year. In fact it has very rarely happened in March. It also produced 2 new species for the year with a male Small White at the start of the walk and a Speckled Wood at the end of it.

Other species were lots of Peacock, several Comma, Brimstone and Small Tortoiseshell and a single Red Admiral.

The day was also quite notable by 3 Red Kite flying over and being chased off by the local Buzzards.

One of many Peacock seen.

Red Kite.


Brown-tail moth larvae coming out of hibernation.


  1. Hola Bob. Interesantes y preciosas fotos. Un abrazo.

  2. I always get so excited whenever I see a Kite . I love how you captured this picture of it just turning its head slightly to one side .... made it a great picture !🌿
