
Sunday, 16 December 2018

Hiding in the Woods.

On Thursday Phil invited me out to try out his new woodland hide. This hide has the benefit of being in a private woodland, so disturbance was at an absolute minimum.
With the sun shining most of the time the lighting was a little testing at times as shadows from trees behind us caused problems some of the time as the sun moved across the sky.
It was certainly interesting though with lots of small birds keeping busy on feeders, and a couple of times it suddenly went very quiet and we assumed a Sparrowhawk was in the vicinity. One of these occasions a Nuthatch was perched up near us and it just sat totally still for a couple of minutes. 

It certainly was a great session and good numbers of Tits were very busy feeding, with the most numerous species being the Coal Tit, with Blue and Great not far behind. Marsh Tit was another species seen several times. With regular visits also from Nuthatch and Great-spotted Woodpecker there were very few dull moments.

Coal Tit.

Coal Tit on Larch.

Marsh Tit on Larch.

Great-spotted Woodpecker.

Nuthatch keeping very still.

Great Tit on Larch.


  1. Gorgeous photos!
    Happy Holidays!
    May 2019 will be full of joy, health and love, for you and you loved ones.
    Best wishes
    Maria de
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