
Sunday, 12 March 2017

Woodland Turns Yellow.

A gorgeous day yesterday had me hunting out my first Brimstone of the year in a woodland near Lewes. Although I left home in a sea mist it wasn't far inland when the sun started to show. In the wood it was actually very warm and my first sighting of a Brimstone soon came. From then on several of these beauties had been seen with a minimum of 6 seen, this included 3 battling together. A few settled occasionally, but at this time of year the males Brimstone rarely stops as they search for any females hiding in the undergrowth. By 2.30 all had gone to roost but I fortunately spotted a male roosting under a Bramble leaf. Several Comma were also seen with 4 battling together in one part of the wood and another 2 individuals seen in other spots. A single Peacock made up the butterflies seen. Another sign of Spring was a Chiff Chaff calling in the tree tops.


Roosting Male Brimstone.



  1. Over a month to get the butterflies can appear also in Finland. Beautiful.

  2. I've never seen this butterfly on spring "kittens". :)
