
Sunday 1 November 2015

November Blues Wrap Up The Season. (Probably)!!

With it being November James tried to tempt me over to Brighton for one final hunt for the Long-tailed Blue. Long-tailed Blue have never been seen in Sussex in November before. With it being such a warm sunny day, once the fog had lifted, there was a really good chance of success as a female had been sighted just yesterday at the site. After searching for some time in the long wet grass a call from Mark came in saying he had found one at the other end of the site. We were soon admiring a fresh male. A few people had come from long distance so we made sure everyone had a view of the butterfly. It was not possible of course to get quality pictures with so many people there so I've attached a photo from last Sunday. Sometime later a call came up that another male had been found. This one was sat on the main path where it stayed for sometime before moving along the path settling every now and then. Later it was established that this was actually the same butterfly after close examination of photographs taken. If the mild weather keeps going there will I'm sure be more sightings. However, with 10 seen this year I am happy with what I've seen of the Long-tailed this year. I'm not saying I will not look any further but I'm not going out my way for them now. It really has extended the butterfly year!!

Male Long-tailed Blue.

Nigel has now at last started his own blog 'East Sussex Wanderer' that you can link onto via the blogs that I follow. Please take time to check this out and see some great images, especially his Fen Raft Spider sightings.


  1. Excellent shot of this pretty and 'in the news' butterfly.

  2. Yes, indeed, Bob. Thank you for letting me enjoy it.

  3. Butterflies is my passion. I study them all my life. When I wrote my first dissertation on this subject ('s request), I didn't even think of them as topic for investigation. Now I can't do without them. Love may be of any kind.
