
Friday, 3 November 2017

Stonechat on the Downs.

Wednesday turned out to be a really warm and sunny day, so being undecided what to do I thought I would mix a bit of birdwatching in with trying to find a late Adder. Walking over the Downland the Adders, not surprisingly, didn't show at all. The birdlife was also pretty poor, although halfway through the walk I came across a male Stonechat that was a little more approachable than is usual. He was quite relaxed about me getting close enough to photograph him, and at times he would actually fly towards me to catch an insect. I managed several photographs of him, although several of the pictures I wanted to improve. On Thursday I thought I would head back and see if I could relocate him. It wasn't long before he was once again reforming well and several more pictures were taken.

The Male Stonechat.

On the Wednesday I also visited a local marshland to see if I could find any Bearded Tits. I wasn't successful with these and the only bird I photographed was a Great-crested Grebe that was doing an impression of a submarine!!

Great-crested Grebe. (Up periscope)!!


  1. Gorgeous images Bob,love the Stonechats,superb.

  2. great pictures you just have to look at them several times
    Greetings Frank
