
Saturday, 10 October 2015

Bad Backs and Black Veins.

Unfortunately I have been unable to get out for 2 weeks now due to a bit of conservation work going wrong. Basically I was trying to clear some Cantoneaster and in trying to pull some out by the roots the plant won when my back popped and put me in agony!!
Due to this I thought I should look back over the year to see if I can find anything interesting that I hadn't posted.

Back in June on the North Downs of Kent, Nigel and I were on the slopes looking for some of the fabulous orchids that grow in the area when I put up a male Black-veined Moth. This was really lucky as this is one of Britain's rarest moths. I knew there was a possibility of seeing one as last year I came across a female in the same area. This made it even more special as this now meant I had pictures of both male and female!!
An hour or so later on another bank Nigel found another one, also a male. It had already been a great day with several rare orchids seen as well as plenty of Heath Fritillaries. The moths were the icing on the cake, especially for Nigel that had missed the trip last year when I had seen the female, and it gave him his 3rd lifer for the day following 2 new orchids for him.

Male Black-veined Moth. Note the upturned abdomen.

Female Black-veined Moth from 2014. Note the thicker abdomen.

1 comment:

  1. Another fine selection Bob. Once again the backgrounds make for lovely shots.
