
Saturday 15 March 2014

Black Hairstreak and Swallowtail.

Following on from the Large Blue post, two other butterflies that I first saw in 2009 and that I would very much like to improve my images with are the Black Hairstreak and Swallowtail. I saw both of them when Pen and I had a trip to Norfolk. We stopped on the way up near Huntingdon in a wood where I knew the Black Hairstreak were located. However, the wood was large and locating the colony would have been impossible without a local enthusiast showing me the hotspot. Even then the butterflies were very elusive and the weather was also against us. Eventually a butterfly was seen in range and a record shot was obtained. 2 further visits over the next couple of years produced 2 very brief glimpses at the top of the bushes despite many hours looking.

During the Norfolk trip we called into Strumpshaw Fen that had been suggested for the Swallowtail. A 
wonderful day with Norfolk Hawkers and Scarce Chasers and hundreds of Small Tortoiseshells. The Swallowtails however were not so forthcoming until we came across the Dr's garden where we had one nectaring on Sweet William, not the most natural setting. I aim to get a picture this year of one on a more natural flower!!


  1. The hairstreak is on my radar this year, a butterfly I have yet to see. Nice shots.

  2. Bob, you are doing better than me with the Black Hairstreak. One serious visit last year gave me a two second view of one being blown away. I had better luck with the Swallowtail in 2010:
