
Sunday 29 April 2018

Green-veined White.

It now seems that the heatwave we had just over a week ago never happened with the past week being full of clouds and cool breezes. 
On Tuesday, I could quite easily have just stayed at home moaning about the weather and wondering what to do. However, during several walks on the patch in recent days I had seen good quantities of Green-veined White butterflies. In warm conditions this species is extremely difficult to get close to, so on Tuesday I decided to go and see if I could find some roosting. 
As soon as I arrived in the area I found both a Green-veined White and Large White roosting and in a short time I had found several more. The biggest problem I had was a strong breeze blowing along the bottom of the valley where I was. In the end I was extremely pleased with the results I managed despite those dull and breezy conditions.
It certainly was better than doing the housework!!!!

Green-veined White on Cowslip.

Green-veined White on Bluebell.

Large White roosting.

Pair of Green-veined White.


  1. Classic poses and shots Bob. Very nice. Hopefully we shall see the sun again soon!!
