
Sunday, 25 June 2017

A Downland Breeze.

With Pen out for the day I had the chance of getting out without feeling guilty. The only problem was the weather, with cloud and a steady breeze which made me wonder if I should just chill out at home. However, with the weather looking poor for most of the coming week I decided to walk the local patch and see if I could find anything of interest. As it turned out it was quite a good walk after all with my first Dark Green Fritillaries of the year as well as my first Gatekeeper as well just before arriving back home bringing my years tally to 40. I also found a newly emerged Marbled White amongst many of these delightful butterflies, which gave me a bit of camera action. 

Dark Green Fritillary.

2 Dark Green Fritillaries keeping warm.

Newly emerged Marbled White.

Male Marbled White.

Male Marbled White.

Pyramidal Orchid.

Immature Black-tailed Skimmer.
(Deformed back wing).

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