
Tuesday 9 April 2024

Butterfly Season Warming Up.

 With the wind howling again outside it doesn't seem possible that April is here along with several species of butterfly.

A really good walk yesterday along the patch produced 8 different species of butterfly. The day started with my year list on 8 and after the walk, despite seeing 8 species, it was still on 8. However, just after arriving home and the weather was good enough for having lunch in the garden, the list for both the day, and year went up a notch to 9 when a Large White flew across the garden.

Below are some of the photos of butterflies, and other creatures I've seen so far in 2024.

Red Admiral.


Small Tortoiseshell


Rove Beetle.

Scarlet Tiger larva


Male Emperor Moth

Orange Ladybird

Common Toad.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob, On Thursday my year list went up to 2!. We haven't actually had one decent butterfly day here yet. Despite Thursday being sunny and very warm we had really strong winds. Just about every other day of the year it has rained!
    I am rather concerned about the impacts of flooding and tidal surges on butterfly numbers this year.
